當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 但是它不喜歡肉的英語怎麼寫


發布時間: 2024-05-05 06:29:26

㈠ 我一點也不喜歡豬肉用英語怎麼說

I don't like pork at all

㈡ 我喜歡吃蔬菜,不喜歡吃肉,用英語怎麼寫怎麼翻譯怎麼讀

I like to eat vegetables, but I do not like to eat meat.

㈢ 我喜歡牛肉但不喜歡羊肉英語

I like beef but I don't like mutton.
I like beef but I hate mutton.

㈣ 我喜歡牛肉但不喜歡羊肉英語

I like beef but I don't like mutton.
I like beef but I hate mutton.

㈤ 我喜歡羔羊肉,但是我的朋友不喜歡。用英語怎麼說呢

I like lamb, but my friends don't like.
英 [frendz]
美 [frɛndz]

n. 朋友( friend的名詞版復數 )


friends 朋友,老友記,六人行
Last Friends 最後的朋友,最後的朋友,上野樹里
Isshūkan Friends 一周的朋友

㈥ 你喜歡吃肉嗎用英語怎麼說

你喜歡吃肉嗎用英語說:Do you like eating meat?


1、I'm not sure if he likes eating meat or not.(我不確定他是否正賣喜歡吃肉。)

2、She doesn't like eating meat because she's a vegetarian.(她不喜歡吃肉,因為她是素食主義者。)

3、My dad loves eating meat, especially steak.(我爸爸喜歡吃肉,尤其是牛排。)

4、Eating too much meat is not good for your health.(吃太多肉對健康不好。)

5、Do you prefer eating meat or vegetables?(你更喜歡吃肉還是蔬菜?)

6、I used to be a vegetarian, but now I enjoy eating meat occasionally.(我曾經是素食主義者,但現在偶爾也喜歡吃肉。)

7、Some people believe that eating meat is cruel to animals.(有些人認為吃肉對動物很殘忍。)

8、I don't eat red meat, but I do eat chicken and fish.(我不吃紅肉,但我吃雞肉和魚。)

9、Eating meat is a common part of many cultures around the world.(吃肉是世界上許多文化的共同部分。)

10、Eating meat in moderation can be part of a healthy diet.(適量食用肉類可以成為健康飲食的一部分。)

㈦ 表示不喜歡吃牛肉用英語

I don't like beef.

㈧ 她不喜歡吃肉的英語

She doesn't like eating meat

㈨ 我不喜歡吃肉用英語be fond of說

I'm not fond of eating meat.

如對本題有疑問可追問,Good luck!

㈩ 他也不吃肉 英語 兩種說法

He doesn't eat meat ,either.
He doesn't also eat meat.

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