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发布时间: 2025-01-23 01:58:34

❶ 男神和女神用英语怎么说

男神:Man of God

❷ ‘男神’ ‘女神’分别用英语怎么说

  1. Alpha Male 男神,超男

    The alpha-male is usually an excellent leader who is well-respected or feared, and who receives social privileges, such as better access to food or more attention from potential mates. 男神,他的地位通常是极其受人们尊敬或敬畏的,享有社会特权的,诸如此类的更容易获得食物或引起潜在的伴侣更多关注的一个优秀领导者。

    例句:His voice is deep and magnetic. He has great personality. He is tall and handsome. What's more he always comes up with creative ideas for show. He definitely is the Alpha Male in the radio. (他声音低沉有磁性,性格好,又高又帅,尤其是他做节目时有创意,绝对是电台的男神。)

  2. Queen Bee 女神/女蜂王

    【解释】A girl who is the "leader of the pack." She doesn't always have to be the prettiest, but she is extremely confident, and because she thinks she's hot, others do too. This girl will know all of the "important" gossip, and people emulate her style. If the Queen Bee wears something new and different, others will wear it the next day.一群女孩的领导者。她并不一定是最漂亮的,但她是极其有信心和因为她认为她很性感,其他方面也一样。这女孩知道所有重要的“是是非非”,人们模仿她的风格。如果女神的穿着新颖别致,其他人第二天就会跟风。

    例句:Better relax and come down from the altar. Being the Queen Bee arouses jealousy from people and it's a unique kind of hardship to always have to hold yourself up to these standards. (放松些,别当女神了!当女神容易遭嫉妒,而且端着特别累。)

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