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发布时间: 2024-05-06 02:35:33

⑴ 年轻的英语单词

美 /j__/;英 /j__/。youthn. 青年;青春;年轻;青少年时期;n. (Youth)《芳华》(电影名)。juvenilityn. 年轻,年少;不成熟。juvenscencen. 年轻。
1他看来那么年轻,只是个孩子。He seemed so young, a mere boy.
2当时他年轻,很容易听信他人。He was young and highly suggestible.
3那个团体被指控对年轻成员洗脑。The group is accused of brainwashing its young members.

⑵ “青少年”英语怎么写

“青少来年”英自语专用词汇有两个:adolescent 和 Juvenile。
Today, the problem of adolescent's committing crime has been a serious problem which obsesses the society and hinders social development
Comparison and Research on Preventive Ecation of Juvenile Delinquency between China and the United States

⑶ 在青少年时用英语怎么说

in one's teens

⑷ 青少年用英语怎么说



【释义】n. 十几岁的青少年;十三岁到十九岁的少年


But,asateenager,Ihad“better”thingstodothanhang outat theairport.




1、青少年宫Youth Palace ; callan house ; Young Palace

2、青少年选择奖Teen Choice Awards ; Teen Choice

3、青少年哪吒Rebels of the Neon God ; Ch'ing shaonien na cha ; Ch'ing shaonien na cha,Teenage Norcha,Rebels of the Neon God

4、青少年期adolescence ; juvenile era ; Health of young people

5、全球青少年市场global teenage segment

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