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发布时间: 2024-05-10 12:20:49

1. I like the parkour(我喜欢跑酷)这句话需要第三个单词the吗

I like parkour
这和 i like drawing, I like singing 是一样族竖的道颤手理兆洞大。

2. 鍦伴搧璺戦叿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇达紵璋㈣阿

搴旇ユ槸running in the subway.

3. 哆啦A梦用英语怎么说

“哆啦A梦”英语:Doraemon 、Doraon 、Douraeman。

4. 跑酷的英文介绍


Parkour is a method of movement focused on moving around obstacles with speed and efficiency. Originally developed in France, the main purpose of the discipline is to teach participants how to move through their environment by vaulting, rolling, running, climbing and jumping. Parkour practitioners are known as traceurs. They train to be able to identify and utilize alternate or the more efficient paths. Parkour can be practiced anywhere, but areas dense with obstacles offer many different training opportunities. Parkour is sometimes abbreviated PK.

5. 跑酷用英语怎么说

[词典] Parkour; 跑酷是一项街头疾袭走极限运动,它结合攀爬,跳跃,急跑,翻滚等多种技巧,不过这项运动的热衷者倒更愿意把它看成是一种青年亚文化所倡导生活方式.;
An important characteristic of parkour is efficiency.

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